The Royal Challengers Bengaluru batsman Virat Kohli made history on Saturday by being the first player in the 17-year history of the IPL to reach the 7500 run mark. In the Jaipur encounter against the Rajasthan Royals, Kohli accomplished the feat. With 6755 runs, Shikhar Dhawan has the second-best IPL total, more than 740 runs less than Kohli.
Virat Kohli Reaches A Major Milestone For The First Time In 17 Years, But His Next Best Batter Is More Than 700 Runs AheadThe Royal Challengers Bengaluru batting Virat Kohli became the first player to reach a significant milestone on Saturday.Sports Desk on NDTVRevised: 04/04/2024 at 08:35 PM ISTReading Duration: 3 minutes
Virat Kohli Reaches A Major Milestone For The First Time In 17 Years, But His Next Best Batter Is More Than 700 Runs Ahead
IPL 2024: Virat Kohli in play against RR © AFP
The Royal Challengers Bengaluru batsman Virat Kohli made history on Saturday by being the first player in the 17-year history of the IPL to reach the 7500 run mark. In the Jaipur encounter against the Rajasthan Royals, Kohli accomplished the feat. Shikhar Dhawan has the next-best IPL total of 6755, which is more than 740 runs less.
On Saturday at Sawai Mansingh Stadium, in their Indian Premier League (IPL) 2024 encounter against Faf du Plessis’s Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB), captain Sanju Samson of Rajasthan Royals (RR) won the toss and chose to bowl.
RR enters the contest fresh off a win over the Mumbai Indians (MI), while RCB lost its most recent encounter against the Lucknow Super Giants.
Rajasthan has an all-win record and is now in second place with six points, whereas RCB is currently in eighth place in the 10-team table, which adequately depicts their struggles. RCB has only won one of their last four games.
Sanju Samson stated at the toss that “We would like to bowl first on this wicket.” It’s a new pitch, so there may be something to do with the opposition. The seamers should also be anticipating some dew. People are accepting responsibility and finishing games; it’s a long season. We have the same team going in.”
“We were thinking of the same, it looks like a good wicket, think it will remain the same in both innings,” stated Faf du Plessis. There is one alteration to our batting lineup. I simply need to trust our people, that’s all. We have the chance to improve upon our uneven performance. We are searching for the roles that the participants should perform. As of yet, that hasn’t worked. We failed to deliver. He’s not well-known, has excellent talent and hitting strength, and exudes calmness and niceness.”
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